Outdoor solar furniture

Embellece y ilumina tu espacio al aire libre con el Mobiliario Solar de Exterior SINED. Desde jarrones y maceteros luminosos hasta esferas y mesas iluminadas, nuestra colección combina la funcionalidad de iluminación solar con un diseño moderno y elegante. Crea ambientes encantadores y sostenibles en tu jardín, terraza o patio con nuestro mobiliario que se carga con energía solar durante el día y brilla suavemente por la noche.

Imagina tu jardín iluminado suavemente por la noche con jarrones luminosos que realzan la belleza de tus plantas, mesas luminosas que crean un ambiente acogedor para tus cenas al aire libre, y esferas luminosas que añaden un toque de encanto mágico a tu espacio. Con el Mobiliario Solar de Exterior SINED, estas experiencias se vuelven posibles, ofreciendo una iluminación ecológica y una decoración moderna y elegante para tu hogar.

esferas led luminosas con tecnologia solar

Luminous spheres SINED

Embellece y transforma tu jardín en un oasis de luz y encanto con las Esferas Luminosas para Jardín SINED. Estas hermosas esferas, alimentadas por energía solar, ofrecen una iluminación suave y ambiental que crea un ambiente mágico y relajante en tu espacio exterior. Con una variedad de tamaños, diseños y opciones de color, nuestras esferas luminosas son el complemento perfecto para cualquier jardín, terraza o patio, añadiendo un toque de elegancia y sofisticación a tus noches al aire libre.

Ventajas de las esferas luminosas de SINED

  • Tecnología solar integrada
  • Iluminación suave y ambiental
  • Durabilidad y resistencia
Florero redondo de exterior

Outdoor solar furniture with SINED lighting

Enhance and make the most of your outdoor space with the Solar Outdoor Furniture with Lighting SINED. Our collection combines the elegance of contemporary design with the functionality of solar lighting, offering you furniture that is not only visually stunning, but also practical and eco-friendly.

From luminous tables with solar lighting technology to pots and vases equipped with LED lights powered by solar energy, illuminating your space at dusk, creating a cozy and charming atmosphere for your outdoor nights.

Frequently Asked Questions about SINED outdoor solar furniture

Can the color options be customized on the luminous spheres?

Yes, we offer a variety of color options for our luminous spheres, including warm and cool tones, so you can create the desired atmosphere in your outdoor space.

What is the lifespan of LED lights in illuminated tables and vases?

The LED lights in our tables and luminous vases are designed to have a long lifespan, providing years of reliable and efficient lighting in your outdoor space.

Are the luminous pots water resistant?

Yes, our luminous pots are designed to be water-resistant, making them ideal for outdoor use, even in adverse weather conditions.

Are the luminous spheres suitable for use in pools or fountains?

Yes, our luminous spheres are suitable for use around pools or fountains, as they are designed to be water-resistant and can create a charming and relaxing atmosphere in those environments.

Does outdoor solar furniture require any special maintenance?

In general, our outdoor solar furniture is low maintenance. It is recommended to clean the surfaces periodically with a soft cloth and soapy water to maintain its appearance and functionality. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the solar panels are clean and free of obstructions to ensure optimal battery charging.

Contact us to resolve more questions